• Our Services

     Clover Search Works provides a full range of search and leadership transition services for nonprofit organizations of all shapes and sizes


    Each nonprofit starts the executive transition process at a different place. We work with you to make a plan to fit your skills and budget, so you aren't paying for work you don’t need. We conduct CEO and Executive Director searches as well as searches for other leadership positions such as Development Director, Program Director, and Operations Director.

    Executive Search

    We facilitate executive searches that recognize that each nonprofit starts at a different place and has a unique set of goals and expectations. Some have already determined the priorities they’re looking for in a new leader; some search committees request we conduct all first-round interviews for them while others want to be heavily involved every step of the way. We help you determine the best process that will lead to the right leader in the job.

    Succession Planning

    Whether an executive transition is imminent or not, we work with you to plan in advance for a change in leadership and help you set the stage for a successful transition. We conduct transition readiness assessments, develop succession plans, and build board capacity to lead during a leadership transition.

    Transition Communications and Messaging

    How you share information about leadership changes at your organization is important – both internally with your board and staff team, and externally with members of the broader community. We help you determine key messages, who you will share them with, and the best communications vehicles to utilize over the course of the transition.

    On-boarding Advice and Counsel

    Once a new executive is hired, we know the work isn’t over to ensure a successful transition into the first year and beyond. We work with you to build and implement a multi-faceted on-boarding plan that goes beyond basic new employee orientation, including identifying goals, developing action plans, conducting routine check-ins and formal evaluations, and outlining professional development investments and needed skills training.

    Executive Coaching

    We provide one-on-one coaching, advising, and planning sessions with nonprofit executive leaders who are interested in strengthening their professional leadership and management skills. Coaching helps leaders reflect, think strategically, take calculated risks, and stay sane – especially during the first few years on the job.

    Interim Search Facilitation

    Hiring an interim director is an excellent decision for many organizations during a leadership transition – they are experienced at coming in just at this precise moment to keep an organization running smoothly. While we do not act as interim directors ourselves, we are connected with many professional interims and can help you find the right one for you.

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    Client Testimonial

    Jane Park, Search Committee Chair, Washington State Opportunity Scholarship; CEO and Founder, Tokki

    "Clover is unique in their insightful guidance throughout every step of the candidate recruitment and selection process. Their thoughtfulness helped us to recruit stronger candidates, but equally as important, their process helped our candidates themselves to learn and grow. I’ve worked with several of the top global search firms in the corporate space, and none can compete with Clover for being comprehensively stellar across all elements of strategy and execution. They became true co-adventurers and I am certain that there are lessons that I’ve learned from this experience that will make me a better leader in the future. Most critically, the search they lead yielded very strong finalists, and ultimately led to a decision that will have a tremendous positive impact on WSOS during our next phase of growth."